To know how to stir-fry, how to make tomato sauce,
is like pulling a lever that will slowly but steadily lift you to a better world
—Fabio Picchi
To know how to stir-fry, how to make tomato sauce,
is like pulling a lever that will slowly but steadily lift you to a better world
—Fabio Picchi
Like a cypress standing out on our Tuscan hills.
The staff of Cibrèo Trattoria (the Cibrèino) will be glad to help you discover the rare treasure of traditional recipes coming out form our kitchen every day, immune from refrigeration, vacuum preserving or any other modern trickery and bearing the honest mark of a wonderful family.
A pot of broth slowly boiling on the fire, a pan with celery, carrots and onion frying at its side, a bottle of oil spreading the tale of its green scent: these are the guardians of Tuscan cuisine that constantly protect our stove. A touch of their magic is enough to change soups, ragout and roasted meat into a gentle feast of flavours and emotions that will unveil for you our paradise on Earth.